Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hire Sasheen to make me a custom painting for my home or office space?

Yes! My paintings are shaped from scratch. Specific color color palette will be agreed on with you. Email me to ask questions and get an estimate:

I want to purchase a print of an original painting

I do not sell prints of my artwork at this time. All paintings are authenticated with a certificate. No duplicates are available.

Where does Sasheen ship?

U.S. only at this time

Shipping is included in the price of the artwork. Pre-scheduled curbside pickup is available for locals in Portland, OR

Where can I see Sasheen's artwork in person?

Upcoming events are posted on all my social media channels. When featured, I show artwork, pop-ups at markets are designed to promote the Vault around the Portland area. Follow the Vault on Instagram to stay up to date on event notifications

How can I purchase a gift card?

Awww, how sweet! Tap here to order a digital gift card

How can I get a vault member card?

Vault member cards are coming soon, follow @sasheensvault on instagram for up to date details. But will be given to all current Vault members, and will come with paintings once purchased, completed, and delivered to you.